Registered Organisations

Description Cost VAT Incl.(R)
Recording Change of name of owner (NOT change of ownership) R 8 077.00
Annual Fee -Community Pharmacy R 4 315.00
Annual Fee -Consultant Pharmacy R 4 040.00
Annual Fee -Institutional Pharmacy R 4 315.00
Annual Fee -Satellite Pharmacy R 2 080.00
Annual Fee -Wholesale and Manufacturing Pharmacy R 16 852.00
Application for a duplicate Certificate: Change of name (pharmacy) R 2 692.00
Application for a duplicate Certificate: Change of name (pharmacy) R 2 692.00
Application for duplicate registration certificates - Diploma in Pharmacy R 2 692.00
Application for Recording Grade A Pharmacy R 8 077.00
Application for recording of new pharmacy owner R 2 713.00
Application for recording of new pharmacy premises R 14 310.00
Application for review of pre-registration examination paper in terms of pharmacy act 53 of 1974 R 1 141.00
Approval of pharmacy premises- internal changes R 3 389.00
GENERAL-Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP) Document R 325.05
Good Pharmacy Practice Standards R 325.05
Person- evaluation of a qualification in pharmacy obtained outside the Republic (applicant is a non- South African citizen) R 20 624.00
Person- evaluation of a qualification in pharmacy obtained outside the Republic (applicant is a South African citizen) R 10 489.00
Pharmacy Evaluation - verification of an RPL assessment/ file R 3 842.00
Pharmacy- an application to conduct a separate practice or business within a retailpharmacy or establishing a retail pharmacy within another business R 3 805.00